There are many people who are constantly at odds with the world in which we live. I happen to be one of those people. Another group of those people is Jehovah (or Elohim Adonai) Witnesses. We share little in common. Recently I have been in contact with a number of the before mentioned Witnesses and one thing in particular has struck me about them. They seem to see nothing good in the world, which has left me seeing anew all the good that there are.
Disasters in and of themselves are not good, but with each disaster that befalls our world we become witness to an amazing outpouring of charity. Not, Robin Hooded, forced redistribution charity, but real and authentic concern for the well being of those affected. Food, medical supplies, and rebuilding materials are shipped to the needy area from those who choose to help them. And an amazing amount of people choose to help them.
Architecture seems to have taken a turn for the worse. The Denver art Museum looks like a freeze of the explosion of the USS Enterprise. But stop and turn a contemplative eye upon it. While the external beauty may be lacking, the rules of nature were still followed. The internal structure is sound. Whatever beams and pieces were used to bear weight and to hold the walls in obtuse and acute angles to ground, were obviously calculated correctly. The engineering and construction skills necessary to make a building like that work are thrilling to consider.
Communication has been accused of becoming to fast and impersonal. Yet, do to the miracle of the internet and Skype, a very good friend of mine, Fr. Charles Joseph Dygert, was able to allow his Grandparents to view his first Mass as it happened even though they were unable to attend. I am able to stay in close conversation with my wife through text messaging and phone calls. And best of all I am able to inspire all of you with my brilliant thoughts.
People are still seeking to be made known to each other in a personal way. Many people fail or try the wrong methods but we still seek and attempt to be known by the other. Some have never experienced an authentic relationship, but they still desire it. It is written in our very being and it is very good.